Customs control

When moving goods for personal use across the customs border of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), two-channel customs control system is applied. Individuals can independently choose between "Red" and "Green" channels.

The "Red" channel is intended for transporting goods for personal use in accompanied luggage that are subject to customs declaration or in respect of which a customs declaration is carried out at the request of an individual.

The "Green" channel is intended for transporting goods for personal use that are not subject to customs declaration in accompanied luggage.


Crossing the line of entry (exit) of the "Green" channel by an individual is a statement by an individual about the absence of goods subject to customs declaration.

An official of the customs body has the right to demand from an individual the presentation of goods transported without declaration across the customs border of the EAEU.

Goods intended for personal, family, household and other needs of individuals not related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity are considered to be for personal use.

The customs authority classifies goods transported across the customs border of the EAEU as goods for personal use based on an oral or written application from an individual using a passenger customs declaration, the nature and quantity of goods, as well as the frequency of crossing the customs border of the EAEU by an individual and transporting goods across the customs border of the EAEU.

Additional criteria for classifying goods transported across the customs border of the EAEU as goods for personal use are established by the Eurasian Economic Commission.

* Regardless of the specified criteria, the categories of goods established by Annex No. 6 to the decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 107 on December 20, 2017 do not apply to goods for personal use.

What do you need to know when entering Armenia?

The following goods for personal use (based on one person) are allowed to be imported by air into the customs territory of the EAEU without paying customs duties and taxes:

1. Goods transported in accompanied and unaccompanied luggage (with the exception of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages, beer), the cost of which does not exceed 10.000 EUR, and weight does not exceed 50 kg including tobacco and tobacco products with the following quantities:

  • 200 cigarettes
  • or 50 cigars (cigarilla)
  • or 250 grams of cigarettes
  • or an assortment of the mentioned products with a total weight of not more than 250 grams.

2. Alcoholic beverages and beer imported in accompanied and unaccompanied luggage - 3 liters. Care should be taken on the fact that when importing more than 3 liters, but not more than 5 liters of alcoholic beverages and beer, in terms of exceeding 3 liters of the quantitative norm, customs duties and taxes levied at a single rate of 10 EUR per 1 liter are subject to payment.

Important: Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products can be transported only by people over 18 years old.

Transferring cash and monetary instruments

Cash and traveler's checks are subject to declaration, if during one-time import into the customs territory of the EAEU or one-time export from the customs territory of the EAEU, their total amount exceeds the amount of 10.000 USD at the exchange rate effective on the day of submission of the passenger customs declaration to the customs authority.

Monetary instruments, with the exception of traveler's checks, are subject to customs declaration regardless of the transferring value.

Cash and monetary instruments, regardless of value and weight, are transferred without paying customs duties and taxes.


During the one-time transferring of cash and monetary instruments exceeding the amount equivalent to 100.000 USD at the exchange rate effective on the day of submission of the passenger customs declaration to the customs authority, simultaneously with the submission of the passenger customs declaration, an individual must submit documents confirming the origin of these funds.

Information note

Cash is the monetary signs in the form of banknotes and treasury notes, coins in circulation and being legal tender, with the exception of coins made of precious metals (including banknotes subject to exchange with withdrawn or withdrawn from circulation, but in circulation banknotes).

Traveler's checks, bills of exchange, checks (bank checks), as well as documentary securities that confirm the issuer's (debtor's) obligation to pay money and in which the person to whom this payment is made is not specified are considered monetary instruments.

The following are subject to customs declaration:

1. The following goods for personal use in unaccompanied luggage transported across the customs border of the EAEU, or goods for personal use delivered by the carrier.

2. Goods for personal use, transported in any way, in connection with which prohibitions and restrictions are observed, and documents and information confirming their compliance is required to submit.

3. Goods for personal use, in connection with which are subject to customs duties and taxes.

4. Goods for personal use imported in accompanied luggage with exemption from customs duties and taxes.

5. Vehicles for personal use transported by any means across the customs border of the EAEU, with the exception of vehicles for personal use registered in the member states.

6. Temporarily imported vehicles for personal use located in the customs territory of the EAEU - in the cases provided for in paragraphs 5, 7 and 12 of Article 264 of the Customs Code of the EAEU.

7. Cash and traveler's checks, if at one-time import into the customs territory of the EAEU or one-time export from the customs territory of the EAEU, if their total amount exceeds the amount equivalent to 10 thousand USD at the exchange rate effective on the day of filling in the declaration.

8. Monetary instruments, with the exception of traveler's checks.

9. Cultural values for which prohibitions and restrictions are subject to compliance.

10. Goods for personal use sent by international mail.

11. Parts of vehicles for personal use specified in the second paragraph of point 3 of Article 265 of the Customs Code of the EAEU (that is, parts of the vehicles which have been replaced subject to registration by the authorized body of the Republic of Armenia).

12. Goods specified in paragraph 18 of Article 260 of the Customs Code of the EAEU: moving coffins with bodies  and urns with ashes of the deceased across the customs border of the EAEU. In this case, an accompanying person's statement in any form can be used as a declaration․

Restrictions related to the transportation of certain products

1. For the course of treatment or personal use of an individual departing for a foreign state and arriving from a foreign state, it is allowed to import or export medicines registered or not registered in the Republic of Armenia without a certificate - up to 10 items,  three consumer packages from each, if, according to the documents on the prescription of the medicine (prescription or extract from the medical history or other document signed by a doctor), a larger amount required for the course of treatment is not justified․

2.  It is allowed to import quarantined goods with a high phytosanitary risk up to 5 kg into the territory of the Republic of Armenia without a phytosanitary certificate (with the exception of seed and industrial potatoes imported for cultivation and research purposes), and also when importing pumpkin, melon and watermelon-up to 1 piece, and when importing flowers - up to 3 bunches (one bunch of 15 pieces). 

3.  It is prohibited to import into the territory of the Republic of Armenia and export from the territory of the Republic of Armenia goods, animals, animal products, raw materials dangerous from the veterinary and sanitary point of view without a veterinary and sanitary certificate and permit (with the exception of the import by individual of finished products of animal origin up to 5 kg in factory packaging, subject to epidemiological support of the countries producing and exporting the goods, as well as no more than 2 heads of cats and dogs).

How to fill in a passenger customs declaration?

Customs declaration of goods for personal use is carried out using a passenger customs declaration, the procedure for filling in being determined by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 124 dated on July 23, 2019.

The declarants of goods for personal use can be individuals who have reached the age of 16. Information about goods for personal use of individuals under the age of 16 is indicated together with information about goods for personal use of the person accompanying these persons in one passenger customs declaration.

Passenger customs declaration is filled in in Russian, English or Armenian, and with the permission of the customs authority -in another foreign language, which is spoken by officials of the customs authority, where this customs declaration should be submitted.

Passenger customs declaration form in Armenian

Passenger customs declaration form in Russian

Passenger customs declaration form in English 

Attention. The form must be printed on A4 or A5 paper on both sides on one sheet.

For more information, you can visit website or call the Call Center of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Armenia by phone number: + 374-60-844444 or free of charge 080- 001008.


Notifying information

Dear citizens,

If you have goods subject to mandatory declaration or goods, for which bans or restrictions on movement across the border of the Republic of Armenia apply, or if you are transporting goods, that based on their nature and quantity of transportation, cannot be qualified for personal use, also, if you have doubts about the prohibitions and restrictions on the transportation of goods you have, we ask you to approach an official of the customs authority in order to receive instructions on your further actions in relation to these goods.